Nqe lus hais rau Thick Wall Seamless Yeeb Nkab A355 P11 Alloy Steel Pipe

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Kev tsim thiab tsim cov txheej txheem ntawm cov tuab-walled seamless steel yeeb nkab ntau lawm tuaj yeem muab faib ua plaub txoj hauv kev: txias-drawn, txias-dov, kub-dov, thiab kub-ntws.Cov khoom siv ntawm cov yeeb nkab steel yog 10 #, 20 #, 35 #, 45 # hu ua cov yeeb nkab zoo tib yam.Seamless steel yeeb nkab yog qhia nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm sab nraud txoj kab uas hla, phab ntsa thickness, tuab-walled seamless steel yeeb nkab mas siv rau machining, thee mining, hydraulic steel, thiab ntau lwm yam kev siv.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Lub koom haum khaws cia rau cov txheej txheem tswvyim "scientific administration, superior quality and effectiveness primacy, shopper supreme for Quoted price for Thick Wall Seamless Pipe A355 P11 Alloy Steel Pipe, Peb tam sim no tau tsim lub luag haujlwm lub npe ntawm ntau tus neeg siv khoom.Kev ua tau zoo & cov neeg siv khoom thawj zaug feem ntau yog peb qhov kev nrhiav tas li.Peb tsis muaj kev sim siab los pab ua cov kev daws teeb meem zoo dua.Saib rau pem hauv ntej rau kev koom tes ntev thiab kev sib nrig sib zoo!
Lub koom haum khaws cia rau cov txheej txheem lub tswv yim "kev tswj hwm kev tshawb fawb, kev ua tau zoo thiab kev ua tau zoo primacy, cov neeg yuav khoom zoo tshaj plaws rauTuam Tshoj Alloy Steel Yeeb Nkab thiab Alloy Steel Seamless Yeeb Nkab Tshuag, Peb txoj kev ntseeg yog ua ncaj ncees ua ntej, yog li peb tsuas yog muab cov khoom zoo rau peb cov neeg siv khoom.Qhov tseeb cia siab tias peb tuaj yeem ua lag luam koom tes.Peb ntseeg tias peb tuaj yeem tsim kom muaj kev sib raug zoo ua lag luam ntev nrog ib leeg.Koj tuaj yeem tiv tauj peb dawb rau cov lus qhia ntxiv thiab pricelist ntawm peb cov khoom!Tej zaum koj yuav Unique nrog peb cov khoom muag plaub hau !!

Cov phab ntsa tuab seamless steel kav ua los ntawm 10 #, 20 #, 35 # thiab 45 # yog hu ua cov kav hlau zoo tib yam thiab cov kav hlau alloy.

Kub dov tuab phab ntsa seamless steel hlab, txias dov tuab phab ntsa seamless steel hlab, txias kos tuab phab ntsa seamless steel hlab, extruded tuab phab ntsa seamless steel hlab, thiab stainless hlau seamless steel hlab rau cov yeeb nkab jacking lug (GB / T14975-2002) yog seamless steel tubes rau cov qauv thiab txhua yam, dav siv nyob rau hauv tshuaj, roj av, lub teeb textile, kev kho mob, khoom noj khoom haus Kub dov (extruded, expanded) thiab txias drawn (dov) seamless steel hlab ua los ntawm stainless hlau rau corrosion resistant kav, structural tswv cuab thiab qhov chaw. hauv machinery thiab lwm yam lag luam.

Seamless stainless hlau yeeb nkab rau kev thauj mus los (GB / T14976-2002) yog cov yeeb nkab seamless steel siv los thauj dej, roj, roj thiab lwm yam dej.Nws feem ntau yog kub dov (extruded, nthuav) thiab txias rub (dov) seamless steel yeeb nkab ua los ntawm stainless hlau.

Cov yeeb nkab tshwj xeeb zoo li seamless steel yeeb nkab yog lub npe dav dav ntawm seamless steel yeeb nkab nrog rau lwm cov duab hla ntu tshwj tsis yog cov yeeb nkab puag ncig.Raws li cov duab sib txawv thiab qhov ntau thiab tsawg ntawm cov yeeb nkab steel, nws tuaj yeem muab faib ua cov phab ntsa thickness profiled seamless steel yeeb nkab (code D), tsis sib xws phab ntsa thickness profiled seamless steel yeeb nkab (code BD), thiab sib txawv txoj kab uas hla profiled seamless steel yeeb nkab (code. BJ).Tshwj xeeb zoo li tus seamless steel yeeb nkab yog dav siv nyob rau hauv ntau yam qauv, cov cuab yeej thiab mechanical qhov chaw.Piv nrog rau cov kav dej puag ncig, cov kav dej tshwj xeeb feem ntau muaj lub sijhawm inertia loj dua thiab ntu qauv, ntau dua dabtsi yog khoov thiab torsion tsis kam, uas tuaj yeem txo qhov hnyav ntawm cov qauv thiab txuag hlau.

Khoom Qhia 1
Khoom Qhia 2

Qhov loj tshaj qhov sib txawv ntawm tuab-walled seamless steel yeeb nkab thiab nyias-walled steel yeeb nkab yog phab ntsa thickness ntawm cov yeeb nkab steel.Feem ntau hais lus, nyias-walled steel kav yog txias, thaum tuab-walled seamless steel kav feem ntau yog kub dov.

Specification Specification Specification Specification Specification Specification
406 * 16 457 * 32 508 * 80 530 * 22 660 * 80 820 * 55
406 * 17 457 * 35 508 * 90 530 * 25 660 * 90 820 * 60
406 * 18 457 * 40 508 * 100 hli 530 * 28 660 * 100 hli 820 * 70
406 * 19 457 * 45 530 * 16 610 * 30 660 * 150 hli 820 * 80
406 * 20 457 * 50 530 * 17 610 * 32 710 * 20 820 * 90
406 * 22 457 * 55 530 * 18 610 * 35 710 * 22 820 * 100 hli
406 * 25 457 * 60 530 * 19 610 * 40 710 * 25 820 * 150 hli
406 * 28 457 * 65 530 * 20 610 * 45 710 * 28 820 * 200 hli
406 * 30 457 * 70 530 * 22 610 * 50 710 * 30 864 * 40
406 * 32 457 * 80 530 * 25 610 * 55 710 * 32 864 * 55
406 * 35 457 * 90 530 * 28 610 * 60 710 * 35 864 * 60
406 * 40 457 * 100 530 * 30 610 * 65 710 * 40 864 * 70
406 * 45 480 * 16 530 * 32 610 * 70 710 * 45 864 * 80
406 * 50 480 * 17 530 * 35 610 * 80 hli 710 * 50 864 * 90
406 * 55 480 * 18 530 * 40 610 * 90 710 * 55 864 * 100
406 * 60 480 * 19 530 * 45 610 * 100 hli 710 * 60 864 * 150
406 * 65 480 * 20 530 * 50 610 * 150 hli 710 * 65 864 * 200 hli
406 * 70 480 * 22 530 * 55 630 * 18 710 * 70 900 * 60
406 * 80 480 * 25 530 * 60 630 * 19 710 * 80 900 * 70
406 * 90 480 * 28 530 * 65 630 * 20 710 * 90 900 * 80
426 * 16 480 * 30 530 * 70 630 * 22 710 * 100 hli 900 * 90
426 * 17 480 * 32 530 * 80 630 * 25 710 * 150 hli 900 * 100 hli
426 * 18 480 * 35 530 * 90 630 * 28 720 * 25 900 * 150 hli
426 * 19 480 * 40 530 * 100 hli 630 * 30 720 * 28 900 * 200 hli
426 * 20 480 * 50 559 * 16 630 * 32 720 * 30 950 * 60
426 * 22 480 * 55 559 * 17 630 * 35 720 * 32 950 * 70
426 * 25 480 * 60 559 * 18 630 * 40 720 * 35 950 * 80
426 * 28 480 * 65 559 * 19 630 * 50 720 * 40 950 * 90
426 * 30 480 * 70 559 * 20 630 * 55 720 * 50 950 * 100 hli
426 * 32 480 * 80 559 * 22 630 * 60 720 * 55 950 * 150 hli
426 * 35 480 * 90 559 * 25 630 * 65 720 * 60 950 * 200 hli
426 * 40 480 * 100 hli 559 * 28 630 * 70 720 * 65 1000 * 80
426 * 45 508 * 16 559 * 30 630 * 80 hli 720 * 70 1000 * 90
426 * 50 508 * 17 559 * 32 630 * 90 720 * 80 1000 * 100 hli
426 * 55 508 * 18 559 * 35 630 * 100 hli 720 * 90 1000 * 150 hli
426 * 60 508 * 19 559 * 40 630 * 150 hli 720 * 100 hli 1000 * 200 hli
426 * 70 508 * 20 559 * 50 660 * 20 720 * 150 hli 1050 * 80
426 * 80 508 * 22 559 * 55 660 * 22 8 * 40 1050 * 90
426 * 90 508 * 25 hli 559 * 60 660 * 25 8 * 45 1050 * 100 hli
426 * 100 508 * 28 559 * 65 hli 660 * 28 8 * 50 1050 * 150 hli
457 * 16 508 * 30 559 * 70 660 * 30 8 * 55 1050 * 200 hli
457 * 17 508 * 32 559 * 80 660 * 32 8 * 60 1100 * 80
457 * 18 508 * 35 hli 559 * 90 660 * 35 8 * 70 1100 * 90
457 * 19 508 * 40 559 * 100 hli 660 * 40 8 * 80 1100 * 100 hli
457 * 20 508 * 50 610 * 16 660 * 50 8 * 90 1100 * 150 hli
457 * 22 508 * 55 hli 610 * 17 660 * 55 8 * 100 1100 * 200 hli
457 * 25 508 * 60 610 * 18 660 * 60 8 * 150 1200 * 80
457 * 28 508 * 65 hli 610 * 19 660 * 65 8 * 200 1200 * 90
457 * 30 508 * 70 610 * 20 660 * 70 820 * 50 1200 * 200 hli
Deviation theem Tso cai sib txawv ntawm standardized txheej kab
01 ± 1.5%, min.± 0.75 hli
02 ± 1.0%.Yam tsawg kawg ± 0.50 hli
03 ± 0.75%.Min ± 0.30 hli
04 ± 0.50%.Yam tsawg kawg ± 0.10 hli
Khoom npe Carbon Steel Seamless Yeeb Nkab
ASTM A53, A283, A106-A, A179, A214C, A192, A226, A315, A106, A178,
GB 16Mn20Cr,40Cr,35CrMo,45CrMo,10CrMo910,15MnV,09Mn2v,06A1NbCuN,16Mo,12CrMo,15CrMoG,12Cr1MoVG,Cr5Mo,1Gr13,2Cr13,1Cr17
JIS G3452 G3457 G3456 G3461 G3454 G3455
DIN DIN1626 DIN17175 DIN1629/4 DIN1629/3
Qhov ntev OD10mm-930mm * WT1-180mm lossis customized
Ntev 6-12M los yog raws li xav tau
Kev kho saum npoo Dub / Peeling / Polishing / Machined
nqe lus FOB, CRF, CIF, EXW tag nrho txais
Tus me nyuam nthuav dav Cov khoom muag Txog 3-5 ; custom-made 10-15 ; rding rau kev txiav txim kom muaj nuj nqis.
Chaw thau khoom chaw nres nkoj txhua qhov chaw nres nkoj hauv Suav teb
Ntim Txheem export ntim (sab hauv: ntawv pov thawj dej, sab nraud: hlau npog nrog strips thiab pallets)
Cov nqe lus them nqi T / T, L / C thaum pom, West Union, D / P, D / A, Paypal


Raws li chav ntsuas ntsuas, feem ntau suav hais tias phab ntsa thickness / txoj kab uas hla sib npaug li 0.05 yog cov dej ntws ntawm cov yeeb nkab tuab-walled seamless steel yeeb nkab thiab cov yeeb nkab nyias-walled steel yeeb nkab.

1.Vim li cas koj xaiv peb?

Peb lub tuam txhab tau nyob hauv rau 12 xyoos.Peb tswj cov khoom zoo nruj heev, muaj cov neeg tshwj xeeb rau qhov zoo.

Yog tias koj tau txais tus nqi qis dua los ntawm lwm tus neeg muag khoom, peb yuav them rov qab ob zaug rau cov neeg siv khoom txog tus nqi siab dua.

2.Koj lub sijhawm xa khoom ntev npaum li cas?

Raws li qhov kom muaj nuj nqis. Feem ntau nyob rau hauv 2-7 hnub yog nyob rau hauv Tshuag.Thiab 15-20 hnub yog tsis nyob rau hauv Tshuag.

3.Koj cov nqe lus them nqi yog dab tsi?

A: Los ntawm T / T 30% ua ntej, thiab 70% ua ntej xa khoom.

B: 100% L / C thaum pom.

C: Los ntawm T / T 30% ua ntej, thiab 70% L / C thaum pom.

4.Koj puas muab cov qauv?Puas yog dawb?

Yog lawm, peb muab cov qauv dawb tab sis tsis them tus nqi thauj khoom.

5.Yuav ua li cas yog tias tus neeg siv khoom tsis txaus siab?

Yog tias muaj teeb meem nrog cov khoom, peb ua lub luag haujlwm tag nrho.

Yog tias muaj teeb meem hauv kev thauj mus los, peb yuav pab koj daws nws.

Lub koom haum khaws cia rau cov txheej txheem tswvyim "scientific administration, superior quality and effectiveness primacy, shopper supreme for Quoted price for Thick Wall Seamless Pipe A355 P11 Alloy Steel Pipe, Peb tam sim no tau tsim lub luag haujlwm lub npe ntawm ntau tus neeg siv khoom.Kev ua tau zoo & cov neeg siv khoom thawj zaug feem ntau yog peb qhov kev nrhiav tas li.Peb tsis muaj kev sim siab los pab ua cov kev daws teeb meem zoo dua.Saib rau pem hauv ntej rau kev koom tes ntev thiab kev sib nrig sib zoo!
Quoted nqe rauTuam Tshoj Alloy Steel Yeeb Nkab thiab Alloy Steel Seamless Yeeb Nkab Tshuag, Peb txoj kev ntseeg yog ua ncaj ncees ua ntej, yog li peb tsuas yog muab cov khoom zoo rau peb cov neeg siv khoom.Qhov tseeb cia siab tias peb tuaj yeem ua lag luam koom tes.Peb ntseeg tias peb tuaj yeem tsim kom muaj kev sib raug zoo ua lag luam ntev nrog ib leeg.Koj tuaj yeem tiv tauj peb dawb rau cov lus qhia ntxiv thiab pricelist ntawm peb cov khoom!Tej zaum koj yuav Unique nrog peb cov khoom muag plaub hau !!

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb